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  • Writer's pictureGG Eazy

What is Fortnite?

In order for someone not involved with Fortnite to understand this article, the description of the game will be simplified. There is much more that goes into the game, but these are the basics.

Fortnite is an online Battle Royale game. The Battle Royale video game genre follows an elimination-style pattern. The simplest way to put it is there are 100 people put on an island to battle each other. The last player standing wins.

Okay, I get the basics. Tell me more!

In Fortnite, the goal of the game is to eliminate all other players in your match. Gamers can play solo, with a friend, or in a group of up to four players. The match starts with each player in the battle bus, a flying vehicle that travels across the island through the air. Players can choose when to jump off and land in the area that they want. To keep the game fast paced, the playable area on the island constantly shrinks. To accomplish this, players are informed about what area of the island is safe. If they are outside of the safe zone, their character constantly loses health until they leave the unsafe zone or are eliminated from the game. To make the games interesting, the weapons and items are randomized across the map. This means that you never know what loot you are going to get each match. Sometimes you will land and get the best weapon in the game, other times – not so much. Players can choose to land where there is a lot of loot in order to have the best chance of getting the best weapons and gear. However, most players are aware of these areas, and will try to land there as well to get a hold of that loot before you. Each game can last up to 30 minutes, depending on how long you survive.

Why do so many people play it?

There are many reasons people choose to play Fortnite. Here are a few big ones.

  1. It’s Free to Play. The Fortnite Battle Royale mode is 100% Free to all users. The only items you can spend money on are completely cosmetic. This means that someone who has spent thousands of dollars on the game has no advantage over someone who has spent no money at all. This model allows anyone to try the game with no barriers to entry.

  2. It’s Widely Available. Fortnite is available on virtually every mainstream device. Players can use their computer, Xbox, or even a mobile phone to play this game. To make it even better, Fortnite offers Cross Platform gameplay. This means if you own an Xbox One but your friend owns an iPad, you can still play with them.

  3. It’s Highly Popular. In a recent interview, it was mentioned that Fortnite has about 250 Million players. Fortnite has taken the gaming industry by storm and has been so dominant that people who don’t play video games have downloaded it so they don’t miss out on the fun their gamer friends are having.

Why is it so addictive?

Many gamers spend a lot of time on Fortnite. From an outside perspective, it’s reasonable to ask, “Why does ______ play Fortnite for 10+ hours a day? Doesn’t doing the same thing over and over again get boring?” For many Fortnite players, the answer is simple. In a sense, winning a game of Fortnite effectively means you just beat out 99 other players from across the world. That is a very satisfying feeling, and the rush of adrenaline as you get further in the game is something that brings players back again and again, even if they do not achieve the victory.

Now you have an idea of what people are talking about when they mention Fortnite!

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